Canada Goose Yoga

There were three of them; a couple and I don’t-know-who.

They were very trusting; they stayed only about seven feet in front of us, telling me that the only thing that people were throwing at them was bread. Life at the pond in St. John’s Conservation Area was good.

Then they, one by one, started to luxuriously lean their long necks back and stroke them on their feathers. Then they started to meticulously preen themselves. Then they stood up on one leg and stretched the other webbed-foot leg way back; then they wiggled their bums and sat down. Canada goose yoga.

The Majestic Moment

Walking to the end of the land in Long Beach Conservation Area, I was looking up at the trees and all of a sudden, I saw to my complete shock and wonderment, a bald eagle land in the treetops.

“Ya Baha’u’llah! Ya Baha’u’llah! Ya Baha’u’llah! I said, (being a Baha’i).

It was the first time I had seen a bald eagle in person and it was a majestic moment.

P.S. The seagulls were harassing him. I don’t know why.

Starlings and Squirrels

The starlings are going mad over the suet when the squirrels let them have a chance. The nuthatch makes a casual appearance and the common grackle saunters confidently below snatching up the crumbs.

The American goldfinch makes an unexpected visit to the porch-swing feeder; carefully picking out the black-oil sunflower seeds and the nyjer.

The mourning doves relax among the new dandelions; luxuriously stretching their wings like someone just waking up.

Juncos and sparrows interchange spots; each jockeying for position.

The American robin ignores all and concentrating on his task, listens for worms.